Fall 2023 classes start Thursday, 2023.
Classroom Technologies has been hard at work over the Summer updating and maintaining campus classrooms. Along with general maintenance activities, recently classroom upgrades include:
- HICF 100K, HICF 100L, HICF 100M, HICF 100N, HICF 100P, HICF 100Q, SSTR 100, SSTR 101, SSTR 102, SSTR 103 – New ADA compliant height-adjustable lectern, upgrade of classroom control system, new projectors, new computers and peripherals/touch monitor, Bluray players
- SSLH 100 – Upgrade of classroom A/V control system, upgrade to a 3 projector room
- HIB 100 – Upgrade of classroom A/V control system
We’ve also created new streaming / recording tip sheets which you’ll find laminated and placed in classrooms and which are also available as PDFs on every relevant classroom information page.
- Streaming / recording tips (pdf)
This is a generalized guide for working with Zoom, YuJa, document cameras, and web cameras in general assignment classrooms. - Streaming / Recording in SSL 270
This is an SSL 270-specific guide for working with Zoom (and the room’s Zoom Room features).