Classroom Support Hours
7:30am – 8pm, Monday – Thursday
7:30am – 6pm, Friday
Closed weekends, holidays, campus closures*

Main Office
Anteater Learning Pavilion
Building #605, Suite 3200
University of California, Irvine
Irvine, CA 92697

Office Hours
8am – 5pm, Monday – Friday
Closed weekends, holidays, campus closures*

Main Office & Equipment Rental
(949) 824-5128

SmartClassroom Help Desk
(949) 824-8833


The Anteater Learning Pavilion (ALP, building #605 on campus map) is next to Humanities Hall, near Humanities Quad.

There is a small parking lot off of W. Peltason Dr. for reserved AR permits. For general permits, the Student Center Parking Structure or Mesa Parking Structure are within walking distance.

All equipment and SmartClassroom keycard will-calls must be done at ALP 3200.

* For holidays and other campus closures, please see the current Academic Calendar

Urgent issue?

Call (949) 824-8833 for immediate assistance

Email Classroom Technologies

Allow 2 business days (Mon-Fri excluding holidays and campus closures; see: Academic Calendar) for response.

Contact Us
Is your message related to one or more specific classrooms?
If the room you’re looking for is not listed, it’s probably not a general assignment classroom with which Classroom Technologies can directly assist. Consider contacting Facilities Management, the Student Center, or your school/department as appropriate. If you submit this form for a room we don’t support, we’ll do our best to make a referral.

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