Training Labs

COVID-19 Disclaimer: We are taking requests for computer labs; however, please be aware of the possibility that campus may switch to fully remote learning or reduced room occupancy at any time. We will contact schedulers should computer lab-specific issues arise. Otherwise, all communication regarding campus-wide closures or reduced room occupancy will come from departments or campus leadership.

Two computer labs are designated for staff/faculty training: AIRB 1020 and SST 104. Both are equipped equivalently to standard smart classrooms: there is a lectern with a PC computer, laptop and audio/video connections, internet connection, VHS/DVD deck, touch-panel controls, projector, speakers, and help phone.

Login for OIT Lab Computers

OIT lab computers require a UCInetID login. For events with non-affiliated users, after your reservation is confirmed, please request a temporary Group UCInetID and password by submitting a ticket with OIT or emailing

Include the following information:

  • Name of event
  • Room(s) reserved
  • Date(s) of event
  • Purpose of use

The temporary Group UCInetID is to be shared with guests needing access to lab computers.

Please wait to submit request for a Group UCInetID until the OIT Lab reservation is confirmed.


  • The event requires the use of computers for training faculty or staff.
  • Reservations are made one quarter in advance.


  • Training labs are available free of charge.
  • Extra software installation is available at a cost of $60/hour for labor.
    • The software must be appropriately licensed for lab installation.
    • Unlicensed demonstration software can not be installed in the labs.
    • Software requests require two weeks prior notice in advance of the training date.
Anteater Instruction & Research BuildingAIRB 102020M-F: 8am-5pmView | Request
Social Science TowerSST 10412M-F: 8am-5pmView | Request

* Lab capacities reflect the number of student workstations. Each lab has an instructor workstation as well.